Sunday 14 October 2012

Episode 13: Bring on the apocalypse! VOTE ROMNEY!

VOTE ROMNEY! Pass it on!
Now before you stop reading hear me out. Yes this statement was intended to be extremely provocative and no I do not believe that Romney should be president, well not really. I do however believe that there would be a great benefit to him serving a term and this is why.

Back in 2000 a series of mistakes led to the appointment of George W. Bush. When in power he made a series of further mistakes that led to things such as the US and others entering Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as certain perceptions of All Quaeda. However, these mistakes meant that global powers and the Americans were aware of the issues that stem from the US and they were able to act on that knowledge and vote in Barrack Obama.

Since the election of Obama into office he and the democrats have been working to patch up the US and the world after the mistakes of the last government. However the changes made are not as drastic as they should be due to the fact that Obama needs to maintain support with the public and public is less aware of the issues than they should be.

This is where Mitt Romney comes in. As many people know or should know, Romney is well, not the best character to be POTUS. However, I believe that if he was to be elected and make poor decision the public would become increasingly aware of the issues in the world and hence cause the public to reelect Obama and allow him to make big decisions without the level of critique that he is under at present.

And that's why everyone should VOTE ROMNEY!


  1. Short term pain for long term gain?

  2. Well yes, that's what I was going for. However, I doubt it would end as well in practice as in theory.
